Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Repentance in the Attic

Ah, summer. For the educator it often means several weeks of re-grouping and of course lots of extra chores around the house. One of these is most certainly going to be cleaning the attic. While up there yesterday, I ran across a copy of a sermon of Spurgeon about lukewarmness. Spurgeon is always trouble for the flesh. A message on this topic could cancel a lot of plans.

I was awake early this morning. Not wanting to go to my regular prayer place and awaken my wife, I decided to read the Spurgeon message first thing while I was in bed. Oh my. The letter to the Laodiceans could have had my name on it. How easily we let the world poison our walk with God. What a dangerous place is America for a saint aspiring to a separated holy walk. There were two things I knew I had to do.

My wife and I had re-subscribed to Netflix because of their large array of Bible-based movies. Now, you can read the Bible's version of the Samson story and not think anything evil inside. But Hollywood's version is not that harmless. The movies were not edifying us and we knew it. Good-bye Netflix.

Then the TV itself. I've struggled with it all my life. I've destroyed TV's, sent them packing in the garbage can where they belong, "sworn them off." I had a problem like that with sugar until one day many years ago I just said to the Lord, "I won't partake of processed sugar for the rest of this life. Period." God has given me grace to keep that vow nearly perfectly, when he saw I was serious about it.

Today, TV has just gone the way of sugar in my life, and I give Him the glory. I promised Him I will not watch TV alone, I won't watch network TV ever, movies, all the rest. The only thing I will allow before my eyes on that TV is a video about North Korea or some such ministry. Even "Christian" TV does not offer the blessing that it ought. I'll read the Word and worship alone before I will a "star" to guide me.

I put this all in writing to strengthen further my vow but also to suggest to all of you that TV, especially today, is not a necessary commodity. The news is more thorough on the Internet. TV "entertainment", whether drama or music or comedy is done by men and women that most of you would not have in your home. Why should they get to talk to you, but you don't get to talk to them? And sports? How does the saint justify all those hours given to watching men win an earthly prize?

But I must be careful not to judge. It has taken me so long to get here. And I have introduced my entire family and precious saints to this worldly waste. May God have mercy on me for all the hours given over to things that just do not matter. Lately I have not watched much but I've noticed that even the little I do experience brings down my defenses, and my desire to please God.

I am confident that my life is going to be fuller and richer now. Hey, I have not missed sugar. Nature has a lot of sweet things. I will not miss television. God has a greater vision waiting for all those of His who will seek Him with the whole heart.

Look for "Bob Faulkner" on http://sermonaudio.com - There you will find a combination of love for the Scriptures and a desire for North Korean believers to have their needs met. There are nearly 300 blogs, over 200 Bible teaching MP3's, lists of resources, NK picture albums, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at diakonos5@yahoo.com

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Would love to fellowship with believers who respond.

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