Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mel Gibson, The Passion, and Rome

The first and clearest defect in all of Mel Gibson's movie venture is that the movie and the "push" behind it is very much Romanist . I offer the following documentation:

1. Both director Mel Gibson and Christ-portrayer James Caviezel are ardent Romanists. Mel is a part of a sect that denies the authority of the past several Popes, but he is Rome through and through regardless. As for lesser known James Caviezel, this piece will suffice to introduce him:

"In Hollywood, Caviezel is known as Gentleman Jim. The devout Catholic and devoted husband to his schoolteacher wife, Kerri, politely refused to do a love scene with Jennifer Lopez in last year's Angel Eyes..."

Caviezel says, regarding the present role, "Right now, it's an absolute necessity to pray all the time. And I don't just pray with my head, but from the heart. It's the only way I can find any peace."...

"(he) apparently never takes off a cross-shaped scapular that declares, in the event of mortal emergency, I am Catholic, please call a priest."...

"I believe there are no coincidences. The fact Mel came to me when I was 33 years of age [the same age Christ died], there was a reason. I believe that Our Lord meant it. I believe He has a great hand in this film. That's why I'm continually asking Mary for help, to show me the perfect way to be her son."

"Caviezel believes God and Sts. Genesius of Arles and St. Anthony of Padua showed him the way, and helped him land plum parts. Mary led him to choose acting over basketball. He believes that saying the rosary before auditioning for the part of the spiritual hero Witt in The Thin Red Line helped land him that breakthrough role..."

2. The film database describes the plot summary in these words: "Adaptation of the diaries of Anne Catherine Emmerich, collected in the book The Dolorous Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ , Mary of Agreda's The City of God and the New Testament Gospels..." Anne and Mary are Roman mystics who claim they were given visions that filled in details of New Testament occurrences. These details, from Rome's tradition, find their way often into the movie. From the same website as previous: "Much of the script, which Gibson co-wrote, is based on the diaries of St. Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824)... The screenplay was translated into Latin and Aramean by a Jesuit linguistics scholar based in Los Angeles."

Anne Catherine was a German. Some Jews have had problems with that fact, especially since the Roman tradition is so anti-Semitic. In fact it was only in the 1960's that the church officially denounced anti-Semitism and even apologized for its sordid history of Jew-hating. Trouble is, Mel Gibson does not accept the changes made at Vatican II, out of which this apology flowed. His conservative Romanist group denies the validity of the reign of Popes all the way back to the period before that Church conference. It has led some to believe, in the light also of his father's denial of the Holocaust, that Mel Gibson may be a traditional Catholic in more ways than one.

3. The word "passion" is Biblical but is the term used by Romanism to refer to the suffering of Christ. More modern translations render this word "suffering."

4. As might be expected from number two above and from a Romanist director, the role of Mary is elevated and distorted until one feels that this movie is in part about the passion of Mary . This is in line with current Roman attempts to have her declared "co-redemptrix" with Christ. It should not have been surprising for me to read on the jacket of Emmerich's Dolorous Passion...

"...illuminating is its description of Mary's participation in the sufferings of her Son, so that this book gives the reader a poignant understanding of why Our Lady is often called our "Co-redemptrix" and "Queen of Martyrs."

5. One Catholic website I visited urged its readers to pray for Mel Gibson, in spite of his present separation from the true Holy Father, that his efforts will bring many wandering sheep back into the Roman fold.

There is no question then, that the movie before us was meant to produce a Romanist viewpoint of the sufferings of Christ. Most Protestants do not seem to be aware of what was happening on the screen before them. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. I have created over 200 blogs and the site features a live news feed, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosen together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. I love to write Scriptural works. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond.

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