Religion is still a large and pervasive part of our world today. I see religion as another colour on the spectrum that makes man unique. Belief and faith has divided and united us in the past few thousand years, and in these modern times, and in more modern and contemporary settings, there is an environment of tolerance that has blessed these times. There are very few of us who would lift the vanguard of religion as a weapon against those who are different and religion in society has as much place as ethnicity, as colour, as belief, as educational status.
Once we can view religion as just part of an individual, then we have matured as a society. I think this has been most succinctly been produced in the Christian online dating scene. Yes, there is a Christian online dating scene, just like there is a Jewish and a Muslim one. I do not really see it as a another form of segregation but an identification of mutual interests reaching out. The internet has focused the dating scene thoroughly and it is through sites like these that the bad cycles of 'fall out' dating does not happen. Why? Have you ever been in a position where you just want to find the right one and you are going through dates night after night? We do not want to be in that cycle of mismatched personalities and interests and sometimes we cannot deny that religion does get in the way.
While some of us float along on the grey areas of religion and love, others have a much more focused vision of what we would like to see in our partners. Maybe its down to traditionalism or even belief, a cyclic pathological inculcated by generations of co-existence. I have had friends who have lost the ones they loved, or who have been in difficult relationships because of the issue of religion. Why put yourself through the pain if you know it is going to be a problem? Find someone who shares the same monotheistic beliefs as you do, if you find arguments over theology not a good way to spend a candle lit dinner over. It is unavoidable. But it also makes us unique.
I shudder to think of the day when we are all equal, thinking equally and sharing the same interests - a wallpaper paste existence of no colour, no dynamism and of no vibrancy. Love can be nurtured in almost any setting, and Christian online dating is for those who have chosen a path in their life and would like to walk within this valley with a partner of equal stature; one who sees the same things; who hears the same voices as they do and who believes in the same realities. If that is happiness then the internet and dating sites such as these have helped them achieve it. What ever your orientation or your belief, the internet has allowed you to find someone of some likeness to you.
Jane Sanders, an expert in psychology, researched human dating behaviors for years. She has currently released her findings in a FREE Copy of her "Online Dating Success! In 5 Simple Steps!" Click Here! to Download the Free Ebook Now!
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