Thursday, August 13, 2009

Defending God by Offending Satan

Did you ever have rules as a child, or even at work that were just never really enforced? The kind that at first you followed, but as time went on and you saw other people not really paying attention to it and you noticed that no one really cared, so then you thought , "well, it must not really be any big deal"? Do we, as Christians, let our morals and beliefs become justified in the same way? 4 Reasons that I believe may be impacting Christians in how they establish and maintain moral value systems for daily life.

Cultural Confusion - "He who is a slave to the compass has the freedom of the seas"

- Morals are considered being old-fashioned, and that having morals just adds unnecessary baggage to our already complicated lives.

- Many beliefs and doctrines exist in our society to accommodate every lifestyle and help people justify their behaviors... which confuses most people into believing that there is No Absolute Truth, but rather what truth for you is truth for you, not necessarily for me - & vice versa.

- Our society in schools and workplaces is teaching "respect the individual" and accept "diversity", such as same sex marriage (homosexuality), and even the legal system is supporting this with the introduction of new "diversity" laws.

- Being politically correct in our speech is helping to mask the ugliness of the truth.

- Special Interest groups minorities are "squeaking the loudest" in Washington and across our nation in schools and courts.

Cultural Fears - Acceptance

- If we don't conform, or if we actually stand up for what we believe in we fear rejection

- Job Loss or no advancement, etc.

- We want to be accepted, we want to fit in, and peer pressure is stronger than ever

- We don't want to be put down

- Possible legal consequences like discrimination, harassment, hostile work environment

Denial & Justification -

- It's not really that bad

- I can control it if it ever does get that bad

- "It's just a necessary evil" to fit in, for my career sake; part of the territory

- I haven't seen it or heard it, so it can't be true (while we intentionally look the other way to avoid it)

- Everyone else, even others at church aren't saying anything... or think it's ok... or watch it, listen to it, play it, etc.

- My spouse / kids / I would never be sucked into thinking / believing like that

Desensitization - Cogs on a gear or bicycle chain/sprocket wear down, and we don't seem to notice until the chain starts slipping and we're no longer moving forward.

- Look at our Movies and TV programs, and our...

- Music

- "Literature" books in the schools

- Magazines

- Ads

- Video & Computer Games

- Internet

- Even News stories

We have become reactive instead of proactive...

- We have become more involved with justifying ourselves, instead of proclaiming Christ
- Debating our faith, rather than practices our works and standing on our faith and defending it
- Arguing to convince Satan and others of our beliefs and values instead of preaching the Gospel of Christ to a dying confused world
- We need to actively stand up and Offend Satan

- Offense marches on, moves forward, finds a way over-under-around-through an obstacle...
- Defend is an action word - it means to DO something to correct, protect, & serve
- Face the opposition, and stop looking the other way hoping that they will just go away
- Pick up the Sword, the Shield, the Armor, and trust in God to win the battle through you... you see, this one step takes all of the pressure off of us.

God knows that we can't win without Him, and He loves us anyway. If you trust Him to work through you, then it's not any personal risk no matter what happens, because you know that it's God, not you!
- The cup isn't at fault if the coffee is cold, it's only job is to hold the coffee and provide drinking access to it; not make it, not pour it, not make it taste better... and neither are you at fault or risk if someone rejects the Word... your only job is to hold it and share it, provide access to it for others. You are the vessel.
- Would you expect a paycheck without a job?
- Would you expect a Medal of Honor for hiding and avoiding the draft?
- Then don't expect Heaven as a reward for accepting the world, not even for accepting it through remaining silent.

We are saved by Grace... yet we must have faith after hearing... and we must have enough faith to do something about it and demonstrate our acceptance of Christ in our lives by being baptized as we are commanded... and then we coast into cruise control and grace saves us, right?

NO, of course not! How can we know Him, and not speak about Him? Yet faith without works is dead... where are your works? Where are your values made and maintained? Where is your head, your heart, your soul... in Him, or in the world?

If you have an interest in the Bible, missions work, or religious matters, you will most likely enjoy and learn much from these sites: You may also want to visit my blog:

The sites are designed to teach, but also to provide numerous resources on the Restoration Movement that took place in America's early history. There are several resources that you can access from the site, as well as some very basic biblical teaching that may enlighten you or others about just what the Bible tells us, without interjection of man's creeds or opinions

Keep your eyes open for my new book "In Pursuit..", schedule for release later this year. The book briefly addresses some of man's theories (Darwin, Uniformitarianism, Existentialism, and others), the age of our earth (and universe as a whole) by genealogical and secular historical perspectives, and other interesting aspects of our being. You will follow through to self-discovery, using the Bible as the focal point of the Truth, Peace, and Hope that questions your pursuit, and promises attainment. Your will laugh, learn, and be enlightened

At some point, though not ready yet, will also provide an interactive living map of where missions works are being performed globally

Any thoughts, comments, or feedback is always appreciated! What would you like to see me write about? Let me know! God Bless You!

Dr. D

Starting With Simple Things

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