Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Separation of Church and State

There seems to be another movement arising concerning the separation of church and state. We have a high level government official visiting Sarasota in the next few weeks to enlighten us. I remember this movement surfacing 8 years ago. We had just moved to Sarasota and it was about a week after the 2000 elections. My wife and I decided to go, thinking it would be a good way to meet people in our neighborhood and get politically involved in a nonpartisan issue at the same time.

As the meeting got under way, a crowd of about 50 people had gathered. I thought the speaker did a great job of presenting the case for separation of church and state. Our founding fathers certainly didn't want a state church,and obviously most people today don't want it for all the same reasons the founders wrote about during the founding of our country.

As I stated earlier, this was right after the 2000 election and the"open minded" hate Bush crowd was just gaining momentum. It became real obvious from the start that this meeting was more about hating Bush than about the separation of church and state. To them it was not a bipartisan issue. It was clear from the start , that as a conservative,I couldn't possibly agree with them, I didn't really have a right to an opinion, and I sure didn't have a right to express it. I agreed with them on most issues, but to this day they will never know that because of their hatred.

Anyway that is in the past. It is what it is. The more important issue is what the separation of church and state means. Basically it means that we will have no state sponsored church, such as the Church of England, or that our government won't be run by a religious fanatic as happens in some countries. This is all well and good, and is what it should be.

We, in America have freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. We are free to practice whatever spiritual beliefs we may have. As we grow and change our beliefs may change and we are free to pursue those beliefs and discover how they fit into what we already believe. It is every one's right to practice their spiritual beliefs or lack of them, as long as they don't infringe on some one else beliefs. I was taught that if some one's beliefs are different than mine, to sit quietly and respect their beliefs,thereby giving them the same respect and courtesy I would expect.

Because of political correctness many of our common sense principles have gone out the window. It is now OK to shout four letter obscenities in school but our children aren't allowed to utter the word GOD. Prayer isn't allowed in school , but it is OK for teachers in Washington State to have sex with their students provided the student is over 18, if the student is a minor they have to bring a note from their parents.(just kidding.) It is permissible and acceptable for a minister to shout G-D America from the pulpit.

The list goes on and on, I agree there should be a separation of church and state, however that doesn't mean that a generic prayer can't be given in a public setting, that doesn't mean that a government official can't express a belief in God. Our founding fathers all had a belief in a higher power and God help us if our elected officials ever become non-believers. They need all the help they can get to solve the problems of the day.

In today's world, we have enough separation of church and state, what we really need is to abolish separation of God and state.

Gary has traveled to many parts of the world, see more articles and photos at:

Gary writes several blogs featuring travel, politics, and common sense;

Meditating On Religious Scriptur

Which Bible College Should I Attend?

Which Bible College should I go to? With so many great Christian Colleges available around the world it can get a bit overwhelming trying to find the one that is best for you.

I remember when I first felt called to go to bible college. I knew that I was called to go, but wasn't sure where. I was willing to go anywhere in the world but didn't know where to start.

It was a big step, which included giving up a well paid job, but I knew it was the right thing for me to do. Here's some quick thoughts on what I learned where important things for me to consider before choosing the right place to attend to help you in your ministry training needs;

1) Does the Christian College line up with what you feel God is calling you to do? For example there's no point going to a Christian College that specializes in worship leading if you feel called to community work

2) Does the Christian College carry similar values to you?

3) Have you done some background research on the Christian College to make sure its got a good track record? A simple Google search will help in this process.

4) Do you have peace about the Christian College you are looking at attending? Phil 4:6-7 talks about a peace that comes upon you that goes past your understanding. The peace that you feel on the inside. If you can learn to live according to this God given inner peace, then you will know that its a God thing!

Once you have followed these steps, you should get a better idea of whether the Christian College you are looking at is right for you. I know my time at Bible College was life changing. I hope yours is too!

Benjamin James is founder of Bible College and Christian Universities . His passion is to build the body of Christ by helping people become trained and equipped for ministry through bible based training facilities.

Meditating On Religious Scriptur

Spiritual Humor In Religion - Read This It's Funny

Well you probably heard of the problems that some people get into when they drink a little too much and start to drive their cars. This is known as drinking and driving irresponsibly and can be hazardous to your health but more hazardous to your pocketbook. Overdosing on drugs, spending too much money shopping, gambling excessively and last but not least, spending too much time at your place of worship can be hazardous to others. Over time, our loved ones seem to suffer the most from our excesses.

I suggest most people use religion responsibly and try not to overindulge in the excesses of your spiritual practice. Like an alcoholic drinking until they feel good, only to wake up feeling bad the next morning. And then starting the process all over the next day.

Now for the big question, "Are You a Religiousoholic?" Do you spend too much time at church? Do you surround yourself exclusively with people that share your same religious beliefs?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, there's a good chance you're a religiousoholic. Like alcoholics and drug addicts, there is help for you, once you've identified your problem, we can help. We call it our 5 step program. Alcoholics Anonymous has a 12 step program for recovery but we have eliminated a couple and rearranged others in hopes for a faster recovery.

Religionolism is no laughing matter and should be handled with the utmost delicacy. Start with the first step and work your way down the list and within a short period of time you should find yourself free from the religious tyranny of your institutionalized religion.

Step 1. The biggest problem you're going to happen during your recovery will be the temptation from religious followers, wanting you to come back. Like a drug addict, saying no to drugs,it's hard, you're going to have to be strong here. Learn to say no to organized religion and yes to religious freedom.

Step 2. Instead of reading Scripture, start reading about other religions around the world. You will find some weird things and new ideas, but the bottom line here is that you'll be able to see some similarities, and silliness between the religions.

Step 3. You can still spend time praying, just spend more time praying about how grateful you are, instead of praying for something you want, start spending a little more time thanking God for the things in your lives that you already have. I have spent a lot of time praying for things I never got. When I stopped praying for the things, I thought I needed, I started getting the things I really needed.

Step 4. Start spending a little more time believing in yourself, some religions seem to give all the glory and credit to their gods and very little to the people that are actually making the sacrifices. I have also noticed that when something goes wrong, some religious followers tend to punish themselves and it just doesn't seem fair. God gets all the credit when things are good and you blame yourself when things go wrong.

Step 5. Start showing a little more compassion towards people who don't think the same as you do or believe in your religion. Love and compassion are the true acts of a religious believer. I believe you'll find that in every religious scripture... somewhere.

Sometimes we get a little carried away in our beliefs and tend to beat up other people who don't share them with us. If you're part of a religion who discriminates, shows intolerance, bigotry or prejudice to other nonbelievers, maybe this isn't the religion you think it should be.

Dalai Lama - "All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness, the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives."

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. If we could communicate better and understand different religious philosophy and cultures.

Just how big of a deal is Money Organized Religion. Your money is used for various things and some of them, you might not really want to spend the money on. Something to think about.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Greg Vanden Berge Quotes

Does God Exist and If So Who's Right? Religion

Would you stake your life on your beliefs? I'm asking this question, hoping that you have an answer. Would you be gambling with your life or are you that sure about your religion. Do you live your life without a doubt that your religion is right and other religions are wrong or are you one of those people that hopes you are right and hopes that the other religions aren't.

If you are a Muslim and follow Islam, is the Quran the Word of God? Is this text flawless and without error? What's going to be going through your mind when you go to heaven, if you go to heaven, only to find out that the Hindu religion is right. Are you convinced without a doubt, 100% that your religion is right or are their errors and mistakes in your religious text.

Is your God going to be merciful and understanding to other religions or other people who have lived what you would consider to be a good and moral life. Is your god going to let them enter heaven or is he going to turn them away or possibly send them to burn in an eternal lake of fire.

Imagine, if you can, standing near a cliff and there was a long line of people and you were slowly working your way towards the front of the line, watching someone who was glowing with radiant light asking people questions, and pushing some of the people off of the cliff, while others walk away unharmed. You're going to be ready to answer any questions that the glowing person is going to ask you.

When you arrive, he simply says do you believe in your religion 100%. What's your answer going to be? What's going to be going through your mind? Are you that sure, that you're right.

So I ask you again, are you positive and without a doubt, 100% sure that you are right about your religion and the other religions are wrong. If you're not 100% sure, do a little research about your religion and your beliefs will either get stronger or weaker but try to keep an open mind, either way.

Most religions around the world have certain things in common. Seek the truth and the truth shall set you free. You've got to know what you're looking for though, so pay attention.

Choose Your Religion

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

When Do We Get To Meet God

How To Overcome Disappointments

Let me start this great article by asking you these questions,

Have you at one or the other placed your trust on any man?

Have you met with disappointment on every occasion you do this?

Do you feel it is safe to put all your hope in man?

Do you feel God is very far away and in essence it is totally unnecessary to place your trust in Him?

Have you totally felt dejected on each occasion you have met with disappointment?

If you have answered "yes" to all of these or one these questions, then I strongly advise you to carefully read the remaining part of this article. It may actually be a very important success article that that will show you some few tips on how you can avoid been dejected or sad in your relationship with people.

Let me assure you that I was also placing so much attention on men and I have met with disappointments on almost every occasion.

Well I felt so bad and dejected after every of these sad experience. The good God however took control and gave a good lecture from His word on how I can overcome every of these disappointments. I am teaching you the various steps He taught me.

You must have an understanding of the man - personality .This is very important if you must develop the ability to overcome this problem. Jesus also says categorically in

John 5:41 "I receive not honor from men" (KJV2000).

This is very useful information about the person of man.

Man is a spirit with a soul housed in a flesh. Now the flesh has nothing good or worthwhile that can come form it. It wars constantly with the spirit of man.

Every man is prone to mistakes. Every man has the ability to disappoint you! Jesus says "None is good except God..." Yes, no man is good except God. So stop expecting the best at all times from man.

With this understanding, you will not break down whenever you meet any disappointment from man.

Put your trust in God: This is the first lesson God taught me and you must also this. Your trust should only be in God. You need to settle this in your heart. Write this in a sheet of paper - "MY trust shall only be on God" and read again and again to yourself. It is very important and just like I said it is the very first step.

Trust in God to use man: You must allow your focus to be only on God whenever you expect anything from any man. The Bible says "Looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith..." (Hebrews 12:2) (KJ2000). As you sign that business contract with that man. As you expect that favor from that man and as you go into that relationship with that man. Don't set your focus on what he says or promises. Rather, let your focus be on God to help him do it.

Pray it out: I have always prayed myself into obtaining anything I want form any man. Yes I pray it out. If I want it, then he must do it (if it is God's will).

Have options: Sometimes ago, I needed cash very fast for a particular purpose. I listed the names of my friends that can be of help. Prayed over the list and then called all of them. One of them finally was able to be of help. I got what I wanted and I never had any bad feelings towards others. So have options when you deal with man on any issue. If you fail to have options, you may be disappointed and this can make you feel dejected and sad.

I hope these tips are useful to you.

Sesan Oguntade teaches Success Principles at

Obtain OVER 20 Secrets on "How You Can Begin to ACT on Your Ideas" and gain access to 69 product IDEAS you can begin to ACT upon immediately to rake in LOTS of PROFITS! Visit

Spiritual Dictionary

He is God? Or He is Nuts, a Liar, a Blasphemer?

"Christianity is not the only truth in the world but it is the only complete truth." C.S. Lewis

There is a big problem in our world today, "What do we do about or what do we think about Jesus. For the Christian, He is everything. For believers of Judaism He is yet to come, for the Muslim he is but a great teacher and for other religions he is insignificant. Regardless of what you, dear reader, believe on the subject, I would think you would have to agree that Jesus is probably the most divisive subjects and the reason for much of the hatred that exists in the world today.

The opening statement by C. S. Lewis, "Christianity is not the only truth in the world but it is the only complete truth," will be offensive to some, but I want to explore is merits or it faults with you. Lewis is saying that he is willing to declare that there are elements of truth in all religious beliefs, but after much study and "sole" searching, he has determined Christianity is the most complete of all beliefs. Is it?

For us to get a definitive insight into the statement by Lewis, we need to get a glimpse of Lewis in real life. C. S. Lewis (Better know for his books The Chronicles of Narnia) was born in Belfast, Ireland in 1898. Lewis, a confirmed atheist, was accepted at Oxford; and two friends he met there, J.R.R. Tolkien (A Roman Catholic and author of Lord of the Rings) and Owen Barfield (a new Christian convert) challenged him and in 1929 Lewis became a theist, acknowledging the possibility that a God did exist; two years later, 1931, he became a Christian. Some of the other books by Lewis are: Pilgrim's Regress, Mere Christianity, The Abolition of Man, Miracles, The Problem of Pain, The Screwtape Letters, and the Great Divorce are a few.

Being inspired by the life and works of C.S. Lewis, I have determined to try to reason with those of you who do not believe in God, to those of you who say that somebody had to create the world (theist), to those of you who believe in only one God, (monothiest) to those of you who believe in a triune God, and to those of you who are in a state of spiritual confusion, a task for which I am not sure I am up to. Nevertheless, the following is my attempt at doing just that.

Theist, atheist, monotheist and agnostic

A theist is someone who believes that there is a creative force behind the universe coming into existence. An atheist is someone who simply does not believe in God. A monotheist is a person who believes in one God and one God only. An agnostic is a person who wants to believe in God but is always confused as to his existence.

I tell you about Lewis, because he goes from not believing in a God, to the possibility of there being a God and ultimately that not only was there a God, but that God became flesh and dwelt among men. In other words he came to believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God as well as God Himself and that the Holy Spirit is God also. In other words, Lewis believed in the Trinity, that God was God, Jesus was God and the Holy Spirit was God.

That may very well parallel your life or it could be the complete opposite of your life. At this point in time I am not concerned with whether you acknowledge Jesus as being God or not. What I want to explore with you is both sides of the issue. If Jesus was not who he said he was, God incarnate, he was the biggest nut, liar and blasphemer the world had known at the time. Why do I say that?

One of the many problems a writer has to deal with is, "Where do I start?" I have chosen to start with Jesus Christ. He either was who he said he was, God, or He was the biggest nut, liar, or blasphemer that ever lived. Since we find his claim to be God, found in the Christian Bible, we will use that as a basis to prove or disprove his claim to be God and thus be able to forgive sins.

Let's explore some of the passages in the Christian Bible concerning Jesus:

" But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins," is found in three of the Gospels: Matthew 9:6; Mark 2:10 and Luke 5:24.

If you walked down Bourbon Street in New Orleans, Louisiana today and heard someone saying they had power to forgive sins, what would you think about that? Go back in time to when the above text was written. This "man" Jesus was telling the multitude that exact same thing. Was he nuts, or was he who he said he was, God incarnate and the very Son of God?

Suppose we are intrigued enough to continue listening to this prophet of Bourbon Street, and before long he said the following, which is found in the Gospel of John chapter 1:1-3: " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.

The Prophet of Bourbon Street is intimating, that in the very beginning, not only was he with God, but that he was God and everything in the world that was made was made by him. Was he nuts, or was he who he said he was?

We are still standing there listening and we hear this said, as is found in John 1:10-14: He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

And now the Prophet of Bourbon Street is telling us he has the power to make you and I become the sons of God. And quoting from John 1:18: No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. This Prophet of Bourbon Street is now telling us that you are looking at God. Was he nuts, or was he who he said he was?

I do not know about you, but I would be very skeptical about this so called Prophet of Bourbon Street and I would probably say not only was He nuts but somebody ought to lock the man up or do away with him completely. And that is exactly what happened in 33 AD/C.E. when the Jewish leaders of the day did not accept the words of Jesus and demanded that he be killed (crucified).

Matthew 15:9-10 : But Pilate answered them, saying, Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews? For he knew that the chief priests had delivered him for envy.

Matthew 15:12-13: And Pilate answered and said again unto them, What will ye then that I shall do unto him whom ye call the King of the Jews? And they cried out again, Crucify him.

Perhaps you are Jewish and are still looking for Messiah. Perhaps you are as skeptical, or envious, about Jesus too, perhaps not. Perhaps you do not know enough to "make the call one way or the other." Perhaps you are Muslim and believe as the Quran does, that He was a prophet but not the Son of God, and surely not God himself, but only a messenger of God.

Quran 4:171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion nor utter aught concerning Allah save the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah, and His word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and say not "Three" - Cease! (it is) better for you! - Allah is only One Allah. Far is it removed from His Transcendent Majesty that He should have a son. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allah is sufficient as Defender.

Quran 5:75 The Messiah, son of Mary, was no other than a messenger, messengers (the like of whom) had passed away before him. And his mother was a saintly woman. And they both used to eat (earthly) food. See how We make the revelations clear for them, and see how they are turned away!

This we know: The Jews are expecting Jesus to come someday. The Muslims say he came but was only a messenger from God. The Christians say not only has he come but that he is God. We can say for certain, that all of these religious viewpoints acknowledge a Jesus. Was he who he said he was, or was he a nut?

If he was not who he said he was, he was completely nuts and should not be taken seriously; If he was who he said he was, you need to find out more about him. That is what I have done, and I challenge you to do the same.

I believe that Jesus is God and that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe the Son of God came to earth where He dwelt for 33 years. I believe that the Jews of that time thought him to be a blasphemer and persuaded King Agrippa to allow his crucifixion. I also believe He was crucified and buried for the sins of the world and that three days later God resurrected him for the justification of man's sin.

You see, I do not believe Jesus was a nut nor a liar nor a blasphemer. I believe He was who he claimed to be: God.

In 1975 Obed began a non-denominational church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and was the pastor-teacher there for twenty-five years. In 2000 he and his wife Linda moved to Franklin, Tennessee to be near three of his six grandchildren.

Obed has published two books on how one should study the Bible and numerous pamphlets on religious issues. He often travels to speak at Bible conferences in Texas, Louisiana, Alabama and his adopted state of Tennessee.

Obed and Linda have three sons, Wayne, who lives in Brentwood, Tennessee with his wife Fran and three children, and is a songwriter/producer; Karey, who lives in Pacific Palisades, California with his wife Nada and three children, and is a screen writer/director; and Brent, who lives in Brooklyn, New York with his wife Agneiszka and is a singer/songwriter.

Religion Articles

Understanding What it is and How to Get It

Receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, sometimes called the infilling of the Holy Spirit or becoming baptized with the Holy Ghost is a vitally important part of successful Christian living.

There is however, a difference between being filled and becoming filled with the Holy Ghost!

The first is a continuous lifestyle and the second is a one-time event.

Some people confuse the two and make a mess of this doctrine when the truth is very simple.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit is based on living day-by-day in continual fellowship with Him and obedience to Him.

It is, first of all, saturating your mind with the word of God, nothing draws you closer to the Holy Spirit than the entrance of God's word. Then, it's talking to Him and listening when He speaks, it's cultivating His presence through an attitude of thankfulness, praise and worship, it means obeying Him without hesitation and without reservation.

It's walking in love toward your fellow man, being quick to forgive and releasing hurts easily. It is creating an environment around you that welcomes and cultivates His Holy Presence. Toward this end, fasting also helps.

All this is the process of being filled with the Holy Spirit.

When you live your life like this it harnesses and concentrates the power of God in you, so when you begin to pray, preach or minister in any way the power of God flows out of you much more fluently for effective ministry.

Another effect of being filled with the Holy Spirit is that it draws people to you who are seeking more of God in their lives. People tend to be drawn to you and instinctively look to you for guidance and leadership.

This is one of the unmistakable traits of a successful spiritual leader Cultivating the character and power of the Holy Ghost or being filled with the Holy Spirit!

When I say "spiritual leader" I don't necessarily mean one who leads a congregation or has some title or position in the church. A spiritual leader could be someone who works in a factory, a single mother or a high school student. Being a true spiritual leader has nothing to do with title or position but with manifesting the character and power of Christ in your everyday life.

On the other hand, becoming filled with the Holy Ghost is a one-time experience, which I will explain like this:

The initial out-pouring of the Holy Ghost in the Book of Acts, Chapter Two HAS NEVER STOPPED!

The Holy Spirit began being poured out on the Church and has never stopped being poured out!

Today, if any believer wants to become filled with the Holy Ghost all he needs to do is step under the flow, open his spirit and receive. It's that simple!

I've led many people to salvation and to receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and I always tell them it starts with knowledge and understanding.

You must be assured that God wants you filled with His Holy Spirit and since He commands us all to be filled then that pretty much takes care of that!

The Bible simply commands us in Eph 5:18 to, "...Be filled with the Spirit."

This is NOT a suggestion but a New Testament commandment!

So, we are assured that God wants us filled with His Spirit and we know it's because He wants us filled with His power so that we can become more effective witnesses.

Therefore, when we approach God to receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost we must come with complete confidence and boldness before Him.

I teach people to simply ask and receive. It is an instantaneous experience! There is NO waiting involved.

The ONLY reason Jesus told His disciples to wait in the Book of Acts is for the Day of Pentecost to come. They weren't waiting for the Holy Ghost to come, He could have sent Him any time; they were waiting for the RIGHT DAY to come!

The day when ALL the people would be gathered together so that they could ALL hear the Good News of the Kingdom of God at the same time! That's why Jesus told them to wait for the Day of Pentecost to arrive.

So, when you're ready to be baptized with the Holy Ghost there is no waiting involved. I have a short prayer below that you can repeat when you're ready to become filled with the Holy Spirit.

Prayer To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit

"Father, according to Acts 1:8 I know that it's your will for me to be filled with Your Holy Spirit and right now I ask You to fill me in Jesus name. I open my spirit and receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit right now and I thank you for it, Father. Amen!

The key to success in this experience is what you do while saying these words and what you do immediately after!

What you do while saying these words is literally, by faith, open your spirit and receive what God is pouring into you. It is your faith that makes it happen! If you know for a fact that God is pouring His Holy Spirit into you then it is happening. If you're doubting whether it's happening or not, then IT'S NOT HAPPENING!

YOUR DECISION and YOUR FAITH makes all the difference!

It's not up to God or the preacher or anyone else, whether you receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit IT'S UP TO YOU!

God has already sent Him as a gift and will not take Him back. The gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

Immediately after you say these words and receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit you must co-operate with the Holy Ghost in order to begin speaking with other Tongues!

Everest John Alexander is a Minister/Writer/Entrepreneur in public ministry for over 16 years Pastoring for 4 years.

He's married to his High-School sweetheart, Loraine and together they have two beautiful children, Andrew and Jade.

He's written five books published online at: where you can download FREE Ebooks, Articles, Jokes and Quizzes. He's currently working on his sixth book, "Understanding How To Pray Effectively."

To read his bestselling ebook "Understanding The 3 Levels of Salvation: Spirit, Soul and Body" visit:

Will All Men Ever Hate Jesus

The Speaker of the Church

Will the Speaker of the Church, Please, Stand up, and come forward?
There are many things going on in this life today that Jesus spoke of in the Gospel.
I have heard many things, that are not Biblical, from the so called theologians. They say they speak for the Christian community but they don't.
There is not one single man in this world that speaks for the Church, not one man, not one organization, not one doctrine. The Head of the Church is not physical, but spiritual.

The head of the Church was chosen, ordained, and placed into power over all things concerning the Church, by God.
We are just ministers of the Gospel, sworn and bound into service by the Lord.
Our duty is to preach, explain and interpret the Gospel, all being led by the Holy Spirit.
When any theologian, or any one within the Church body, calls for preemptive strikes, or calls for war against any nation, He does not speak for the Church, that Jesus established.

The Church will not be led by such men, but we must rebuke them, for their inconsistency within the Gospel. Jesus preached love for all men, even our enemies, for how else can we win over the lost, and those that are enemies of the cross, if we are to call for their destruction. Leave world affairs to the world. For isn't it written that; "You are in the world, but not of the world." Can you think of anything greater that would cause hatred of Christianity, than for a man to stand up and desire war for the sake of his religion? Christians are not war mongers, but rather peace makers.

If another nation desires not to believe in Christ, we do not try to cause war, but we do as instructed by Jesus in;
Luke 10:11 "Even the very dust of your city, which cleaveth on us, we do wipe off against you: notwithstanding be ye sure of this, that the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you."
Also in; Mark 6:11 "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city."

The very words that we speak will be brought before us at the time of judgment, and we will give account of each and every idle word.
Pastor JOHN HAGEE: "What we are trying to say to them is that a) we want you to continue your support for the State of Israel. Secondly, we want you to recognize that Iran is a clear and present danger to the United States of America and Israel. And we support Senator Joseph Lieberman, that it's time for our country to consider a military preemptive strike against Iran if they will not yield to diplomacy. And if they continue the pursuit of nuclear weapons we must not allow them to manipulate the economy of the world because they have a nuclear weapon."

"it's time for our country to consider a military preemptive strike against Iran." This is madness and not Christ like.
Many theologians today are being accused of trying to manipulate the Gospel, for their own purposes, as trying to hurry the rapture and the battle of Armageddon. Can anyone hurry God, hurry prophecy, or manipulate the end of the world? By no means. Israel is under the protection of God, but at the end of days Israel will be attacked and there is nothing that anyone can do to stop it. The Holy City of Jerusalem will be overrun and taken by force. This is a fact of prophecy and again there is nothing we can do to stop it. For these men to try to manipulate the future is madness.
For these men to call for war against Iran or any other country is way beyond common sense.

Lets read a little; Mark 13:14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:
Mark 13:19 For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be.

"And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.
And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee.
And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:
But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light."

(Zec 14:4-7)

What manner of man will change these things, who among us shall call for war to save Israel, who, within our fellowship, has the power to change those things that will certainly come to pass.
My Brothers and Sisters, Bless Israel and not curse.
Pray for the safety of Israel, stand up for Her, support Her, but do not try to interfere with the Prophecy's of God concerning Her.
Let the world take care of itself, for we have more power in prayer than the world has in all its military might. Do we concern ourselves with the world recognizing Israel? No, for the only thing that matters is that, we do. We are tied to Israel and bound to Her, for we both Share the same Father, the Same Saviour, and the Same Destiny. ars

Temple of Spirit & Truth Ministries A.R.Smith Ministries

Using Words In The Bible Effecti

Turning It Around

I have to confess I have spent most of my life looking for someone or something that would give me success or happiness. When you get on that treadmill, it is just that - a treadmill. You do a lot of running, but you never get anywhere. I always was thinking that if I could just meet the right woman or hook up with the right job, then all would be fantastic...all the while ignoring the fact that if I couldn't be happy within myself then nobody or nothing could make me happy, either.

When we get caught in the trap of letting others control our emotions, when we depend upon others to make us happy, it always will end in failure. Why? Real simple - the wants and needs of another are not our wants and needs; consequently, we both end up with that empty feeling. You know that feeling, that let down when the other person didn't say or do what your were hoping for. Mainly because you are looking for the other person to say what only you can say and if you can't say it to yourself how can someone else say it? For one thing, that other person can't tell you what you want to hear if you really don't know yourself.

The other side of that coin is, we are always trying to impress the other person. We tend to do things that are not really a true reflection of who we are. Instead, we attempt to be what we think the other person wants us to be.

Now if you can get tuned into that person and are at peace with yourself, then you may hear what you want to hear. That's because you already know yourself and are not depending on someone else to create your happiness for you. You both are walking your own path, but walking in the same direction.

I have viewed many motivational movies and read I don't know how many books on self-help and how-to for couples plus read countless inspirational emails and visited many websites, yet these activities always tend to sort of fade after a time and I find myself falling into the same old trap. "If only!" If only what? That's the other problem: do we really know what we want? I can only judge from my own experience and that is, most of the time it is really just taking each day as it comes. Everyone says you should set a goal; well, that's fine, but you know what?...some of us find that very difficult to do. I have tried those "To do" lists, goal setting, etc., and for me none of it seems to work. I'll be honest here. I really have trouble with conceptual things. Tell me you need to put a bridge across a stream and I will find a way to do it. But if there wasn't something I wanted or was aware of on the other side, I wouldn't even think about trying to get over there for myself.

At one point in my life I tried sales and my manager said to me, "How many of these will you sell?" I just looked at him. I was thinking: how do I know how many people will need this item? You guessed it - I didn't last long at that venture.

About now your probably wondering: where is he going ? or what the heck is he trying to say ? Well, I'll attempt to answer that. I still have difficulty setting long-range goals, but one thing that I have been able to do is turn around that negative feeling I get when I don't find that key person or thing that leads to "success" or "happiness." You have probably seen it in "The Secret" or other inspirational movies, but it is tough to do in real life. They tell you just to think of something you like or sing a song. Well, that works for a little while but those feelings keep coming back at you - at least they do me. For me, when I get those negative thoughts, I have to decide, "Do I want to wallow in sorrow and how bad life is treating me?" Or get over it and get on with living my life. Yes, that's the first step if you really want to get out of the doldrums! If you decide you don't want to wallow in self-pity then think of something to be grateful for. Maybe it's nothing more than looking out the window and seeing that the grass is green. Come on, you have something to be grateful for. We can all think of someone who's in worse shape than we are, going through worse trials, emotional/physical/financial hardship, enduring pain, sorrow, or grief. If you're reading this, then be grateful for eyesight!

Simplistic? Maybe, but it will change your mood. That's your first step; now think of what you can do to make the rest of the day a pleasant day instead of continuing on with the negativity you were feeling earlier. The main thing is to take that first step.

Okay you say, if I take that first step will my life turn around and be perfect? An honest answer, I don't know. I do know that any journey starts with that first step and you'll never get there if you don't take it. It also depends on whether or not you want to continue on the journey to a happier life. I also know that if you're in the mid-west and want to get to New York, your journey will be a lot shorter if you head east instead of west. So the decision you have to make for yourself is: do you want to wallow in self-pity or set out on a trail of enlightenment? The choice is yours.

Charlie Phillips has been in construction, and has done everything from labor, carpenter, heavy equipment operator and contractor. Owned and operated his own truck over forty-eight states and three provinces in Canada. He never attempted much writing until he came across a little tool called spell checker. There are no titles after his name, just a lot of life experiences. Website:

If I Hate My Brother

Effective Prayer.

"Our Most Gracious Heavenly Father. I come to you in the Name of your Son Jesus, asking, praying and giving thanks, for all the Blessings that you have bestowed upon me and my family. You are the Lord God almighty, the God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob and thou art my God."

This is the beginning of my prayers to God, who, know,sees and understands all our needs before we even ask. What makes a prayer and effective prayer? An effective prayer is not a prayer at all, really, but a communication, one on one, with God.

A unifying of Spirits, thru Jesus Christ our mediator. The Bible tells us that we are to come unto the throne room boldly and submit our petitions to God. We must praise God for His excellent Greatness, Power, Majesty and for His Glory, this is not much to ask, for all that our Lord has done for His Children. Hebrews 4:14-16; Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. (If we Confess, Jesus, our, Profession, of Jesus will be valid.)

For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities;(Jesus considers all who believe because He experienced all that we do.) but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. " Our most common prayers to God consist of our deepest concerns for the health and well being of our Friends, Loved One, Family, and our Enemies.

This is our every day trial of faith that comes when we see others suffer. This however is different from a close encounter with the Lord for those things that Jesus called Petitions. In a general sense, a Petition is, a request, supplication or prayer; but chiefly and appropriately, a solemn or formal supplication. This is deeper than a prayer, that most of us, without us realizing, are common repetitive prayers. There is nothing wrong with this, God knows us by our level of Faith, but Jesus told us that the Father already knows our needs before we even ask. Hence the Lords Prayer.

A humble petitioner; one who entreats submissively. Entreating; beseeching; supplicating; asking earnestly and submissively. A prayer addressed by a person to the Supreme Being, for something needed or desired, or a branch or particular article of prayer. An Effective Prayer comes from the Heart, is Spontaneous and is directly, from praying in the Holy Ghost, toward the Father.
Effective Prayers are those when we spend time with the Father, discussing all that we see, hear and feel. God is a God of thoughts and feelings. He wants to talk to you and not just listen. He wants a real relationship, a loving relationship with His Children.

We must spend time with Him, Getting to know Him, as He gets closer to us. Even doctors today tell us that a child grows best when, there is an interaction between them, and the parent, is God any different than a loving human parent? When your prayers go beyond just speaking at God and become prayers to God, then your prayers become a relationship, with God. Wesley states of Hebrews 4:16 - Let us therefore come boldly - Without any doubt or fear. Unto the throne of God, our reconciled Father, even his throne of grace - Grace erected it, and reigns there, and dispenses all blessings in a way of mere, unmerited favor.

Eph 3:11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: Eph 3:12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. We have access to God, without going thru man, nor Angel, for Christ Gave us of His Spirit, that we may enter into the Presence of God by the Name of Jesus. There is no need for any mediator than Jesus. Another man cannot be a mediator for you, this is beyond his power and access. When we understand our rights and privileges, that we possess, then our prayers and our very lives can be changed, so long as it is in the will of God. This is stated in 1John 5:14, "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:" Many times our prayers fall short, because they are not in Gods will for that person, place nor situation.

If prophecy is dependant upon something happening, God will not answer a prayer that would change the prophecy. 1John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. 1Jo 5:15 And if we know that he hear us,(Are you confident enough that God actually hears your prayers, if so then you are in direct contact with Him. I always ask God to forgive me of any sin that I may have committed, so that my heart is clear, before interring into His presence.) whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the Petitions that we desired of him.

Psa 20:5 We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners: the LORD fulfill all thy Petitions.

Pro 15:28-29; The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things. The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous. An effective prayer is not a mondain nor repetitive prayer, for Jesus was dissatisfied with the Pharisees repetitive prayers.

Thus He taught us of praying with the Heart and with Power. Our prayers must address the fact, that, when we mention the Name of Jesus, we are then in Direct presence with God. We are no longer a servant but a Child of God. Jesus, as we became a believer, became not Just Lord and Christ to us, but also a Friend. Therefore God will deal with us not as a stranger but as a King & Priest. James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. This is a passionate request and conversation with the Father. What is needed is a conversation with God without asking for anything. Seeking His will for us, seeking His wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and Feelings for us. Take time just to talk with God. You'll feel the difference each time you pray. ars.

References for Heb 4:16 - Heb_10:19-23, Heb_13:6; Rom_8:15-17; Eph_2:18, Eph_3:12 Heb_9:5; Exo_25:17-22; Lev_16:2; 1Ch_28:11 Isa_27:11, Isa_55:6, Isa_55:7; Mat_7:7-11; 2Co_12:8- 10; Phi_4:6, Phi_4:7; 1Pe_2:10

Temple of Spirit & Truth Ministries A.R.Smith Ministries

Are Your Prayers Being Answered

A Real Solution to the Problem of Child Abuse?

Modern society is so plagued with problems that people from all walks of life are attempting to solve as many of them as they can. Many Christians profess belief in the Bible as God's answer and solution to every problem that society can and does face. However, numerous believers are embracing the solutions that are offered by those who don't consider the Bible as God's word and; consequently, ignore its counsel, guidance, instruction, and warnings.

If someone truly believes the Bible to be the inspired word of God in which the answer to all ills is found, that individual must accept the Bible's declarations. It clearly declares the existence of an intelligent entity of various names in scripture but commonly known as "Satan". Several biblical passages warn of the craftiness of this evil being as well as his mastery of the art of deception. 2 Corinthians 11:14 says, "and no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." "Transformed" refers to putting on a most clever disguise as an angel of light.

Revelation 12:9 reveals that the reason for the disguise is to deceive as many as possible, believer or not. The passage reads, "and the great dragon was cast out. That old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

What does this have to do with the solving of society's problems? Everything. All of the evils that plague man are the works of Satan and have their origin in him since the beginning. This is precisely why the Son of God came to earth. 1 John 3:8 teaches that, "...the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil."

One of the most important truths the believer can keep in mind is the need to beware of embracing "solutions" to problems that are from the same source as the problem itself--the Enemy of God masquerading as an angel of light. There are numerous real life examples of this type of deception on top of deception which only stacks problems upon more problems.

It should not be difficult for any believer to see that child abuse figures among the practically endless list of the works of the Enemy. While it's a good thing to desire its eradication, it's not a good thing to accept a solution from the same source that gave the problem. Many people, Christian and non-Christian, have embraced the "solution" of forbidding parents to physically discipline their children. Nevertheless, the abuse of children has not declined. What is more is that a new problem has arisen--wrongful jailing of parents and caretakers who have disciplined, but not abused their children while abusive parents continue to escape the "protective" system. Notice that solutions from the kingdom of darkness will always contradict the word of God.

Proverbs 13:24 says, "he that spareth his rod hateth his son, but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes." To "spare the rod" is to refuse to physically discipline. The words "hateth" and "loveth" simply refer to the making of choices. One may chose to refrain from physical discipline because he accepts man's advice over God's, or because he fears man's law over God's, or because he sees it as cruel regardless of how God sees it. Decisions such as these amount to "hating" the child in that the child's learning to submit to proper authority and the importance of obedience to the saving of his life, are of less importance. The word "betimes" refers to the use of physical punishment from an early age. Proverbs 22:15 again reminds that, "foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him."

It is understandable that those who are not believers will support anti-biblical solutions to society's problems. However, believers claim to be enlightened in spiritual matters. Why then do they embrace the same problem-causing "solutions" as those who claim no special enlightenment?

The example regarding child abuse is only one in many that prove that the Enemy's "solutions" never has and never will solve the problems that he created in the first place.

In-depth Bible studies by Heavenly Manna

Will All Men Ever Hate Jesus

He Walks and He Talks With Us

"...Jesus himself came up and walked along with them" (Luke 24:15).

Jesus consecrates for us our heartbreaking walks and our aching journeys. How significant and wonderful that Jesus came to Cleopas and his friend. What tenderness of heart that Jesus comes to us! Cleopas and his unnamed companion were talking about their sorrow. No one but God knows who these two men were. One wasn't even accorded the distinction of a name. But Jesus quietly entered into their discouraged lives and conversation and comforted them. None can dare say or think that Jesus doesn't care about the pedestrian person! Love, with pierced feet, walks ahead to give all hope. "He seeks the society of struggling spirits, He gives His presence to sorrowing souls" (A. Raleigh). Another thought, a pastor once noted that only one of the two was named, and he suggested that the reader take his or her own place there beside Jesus and Cleopas. How beautiful!

"They asked each other, `Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?'" (Luke 24:32). Our human puzzles are not solved by reason or by what seem to be rational human theories, but by what God tells us. Life can be enormously unreasonable. Every person who has any sensibilities at all has cried out a "Why?" to some unwarranted (or so it seems) work or word. When it happens, our beloved Jesus walks on our Emmaus road with us and reasons with us. He gives us a holy explanation which is wholly safe and sound. So we ask Him, "`Stay with us' He [comes] in to stay with [us]" (Luke 24:29). What comfort He gives. Jesus not only grants our request but becomes our Intimate, too.

Certain of God's saints had moments of discouragement:
Moses (Numbers 11:15), Joshua (Joshua 7:7), Elijah (1 Kings 19:4), Job (Job 10:1), David (Psalms 42:6, 69:2, 73:16, 137:1), Jeremiah (Jeremiah 15:10), and these two disciples who thought there was no hope left. But! "He lifted me out...of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand" (Psalm 40:2).

If I Hate My Brother

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Separation of Church and State? Says Who?

Excerpts from fellowship about the real Jesus and the role of Christians in society today:

If you understood that Yeshua is the I AM - He not only had the Canaanites destroyed for their pagan religious practices, He sent Israel and Judah into captivity for refusing to follow His biblical religion and as Yeshua drove out of "My Father's House" the moneychangers with a whip in His hand! Certainly that was met with raised eyebrows and shaking of heads, not to mention FEAR! Yes, fear religion!

And anybody who is a Christian who dares to deny that Christ will rule, as necessary with a ROD OF IRON, enforcing PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, simply is either in denial or woefully ignorant of the biblical King of Kings and Lord of Lords who will soon reign on Earth from Jerusalem with TOUGH LOVE!

You're talking Old Testament.

I'm talking the Law and the Prophets that Yeshua upheld and will enforce when He reigns perfectly from Jerusalem with TOUGH LOVE, giving different strokes for different folks.

Notice that God hasn't ordered the execution of anyone since Jesus walked the earth.

Yes, He has, time and again through the Law and the Prophets that haven't been made null and void by the tender mercies of our God, the Sermon on the Mount, except for those who are truly repentant as we can best determine with the help of God. Why do you think it is written about the ministers of State: "He bears not the SWORD in vain?" And that such ministers of state are to enforce the Law of God, serving as the vengeance of God? Romans 13 shows God has ordered the execution and other forms of punishment upon lawbreakers since Christ, since His Word remains true and hasn't changed or been altered to accommodate fickle men and fleeting societies.

Jesus never told us to establish any form of government on earth. He clearly taught that His kingdom was not of this earth. If He wanted a government here now, He would have made one here, now. We, as disciples, are not called to rule here or even govern here.

Now you sound like the traditional Worldwide Church of God and those groups who have forsaken it in droves since the Great Apostasy after the death of Herbert W. Armstrong, concerning avoiding politics, shirking your responsibilities, your civic DUTIES, failing to render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's, and by such woeful neglect and sinful negligence, have forfeited the reigns of government to the wicked and then cry about how awful things are! "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." I submit they're not such good men or they would do something!

Yeshua revealed HIS Kingdom of God-Beings, the ruling Kingdom-Family of God administering the Law of God, is yet future, that's true, of which He will be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. However, as the I AM, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He has established an earthly kingdom called Israel and Judah today, our family of nations - the Anglo-Saxon and white peoples of Northwestern Europe with our Jewish brethren. And to us, which includes those called to be Christians now: "REMEMBER THE LAW OF MOSES MY SERVANT WITH THE STATUTES AND JUDGMENTS" (Malachi 4:4).

God calls upon our Israelite family of nations to RESTORE HIS LAW AND ORDER, and we'll receive blessing to the degree we love and obey and He will bless our NATIONAL EFFORTS that reflect national repentance, learning to go by God's Word as LAW, trusting in His wisdom, rather than leaning to our own understanding with all our different political parties of men. We must recognize we are suffering national curses for national disobedience and repent and avert further national disasters (Daniel 9:11). God will draw near to us as we draw near to Him. God's Kingdom on Earth has always been through the physical descendants of Jacob-Israel, and we're to be a TYPE of the future Kingdom of God-Beings that will reign over us as we reign over other nations.

We are called to be Christ on earth. To show others by our example, who He is. Would Jesus have advocated war? How about slaughter?

Yes, we are called to reflect Christ on Earth, and our NATION is called to reflect GOD on Earth, as a "Light to all nations," a MODEL NATION for others to follow, seeing our sound mindedness and wisdom, peace and prosperity from following God's heavenly law here on Earth.

Christ would certainly advocate war, if and whenever necessary, without hesitation, as revealed in the Law and the Prophets, the Law of Moses that our peoples and professing Christians have forgotten to our confusion and shame! Onward Christian Soldiers!

This is where groups like the KKK confuse the heck out of me. They obviously don't know Christ. If they did, they'd know that He'd never treat another human the way they do.

I don't know a single member of the KKK and from personal experience know how a group's beliefs can be misrepresented by hysterical mobs. If the KKK is biblical on this or that, I support them on this or that. Where they're not biblical, I would say so and not offer support but call upon them to change.

The racist NAACP obviously doesn't know Christ or they wouldn't judge everything falsely by the color of someone's skin rather than the content of character (while ignoring national issues that are biblically based on ethnicity), and they wouldn't hold people down and under and back so they can keep their self-important positions they've prostituted themselves for at the expense of their own people whom they've sold down the river, listening to the siren calls of the race hucksters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, both of whom should move to Africa and lead the way and create opportunities for others to follow. I would support them expressing such creativity in action instead of always cursing the real or imagined darkness rather than lighting a candle.

So many people claim to be followers of Jesus, then turn right around and go against His teachings. Jesus taught us to turn the cheek, love our enemy, bring peace and love to the sick and hurting. Deliver others of demons and heal the sick. I see none of this in our government body and I see very, very little of this in the corporate church body.

God's one government has two branches. Jesus was talking to individuals (Sermon the Mount) and He was talking to the NATION (10 Commandments/Law of Moses) when He revealed how we are to live. So many people claim to be followers of Jesus, then turn right around and go against His teachings. He said to expel sworn enemies from our Land; to execute various criminals and cleanse the Land, to wage war, if and whenever necessary, and not to show the mercy of fools to nations or individuals who hate our guts and would slit our throats their first opportunity. We're to love our neighbor as ourselves, not more than ourselves.

Yeshua said to be "wise as serpents and innocent as doves." He was referring to an ATTITUDE, a willingness to go the extra mile, out of our way, but not indefinitely! If we take all of Yeshua's teaching on any given subject, rather than twist His teachings into some hippy pacifism, you'll see there's a time and a place, which is why He could act so violent and knock over tables and chairs and drive both men and animals from the Temple with a WHIP IN HIS HAND!

Certainly doesn't fit the traditional false image, does it? His harsh words against the religious leaders of His day certainly weren't smooth and pleasant to listen to, especially if you were on the receiving end of His verbal attacks! And when He reigns, He will rule with a ROD OF IRON and rebuke some nations, punish others and even destroy some.

Folks would do well to not try to tell the REAL JESUS about His teachings or to remember His Sermon on the Mount! Jesus will perfectly exercise the Law of Moses tempered by the Sermon on the Mount, as divine wisdom calls for, and we're called to whatever extent we're offered in this life to do the same, whether it's in the home, office, pulpit or political position. That's why our kings, our rulers, are commanded by God to read and study His Word daily that it may be the LAW OF THE LAND, and they can be humbled by realizing they're merely human instruments of God's grace, God's rod and staff.

David Ben-Ariel, a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, shares a special focus on the Middle East, reflected in hard-hitting articles that help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

Using Words In The Bible Effecti

Misquoted Bible Verses or Misused Bible Verses Which is Worse

A clich is a trite expression or idea conveyed so often it becomes common. Clichs usually lack interest or originality but their real failing is that they are rarely ever questioned or investigated. They have a way of creeping undetected into the everyday language of the people. The sheer force of repetition establishes a clich until it is held as something sacred or immutable. For example take the common saying "God helps those who help themselves." This saying is repeated by thousands of people the world over and most of them think it is taken from the Bible. It is not a Bible verse but it has taken on almost as much authority as one. This clich is not just a few degrees off the mark but it is diametrically opposite the Bible teaching. God is a helper especially to those who cannot help themselves. The simple, the fatherless, the widows are all promised special help from God because of their helplessness. Christians have their share of unquestioned clichs. While many of them have some measure of truth in them they beg to be more meticulously scrutinized. Here is one very important example.

"Never Take a Scripture Verse Out Of Context"

This clich is often used when we are trying to establish whether a teaching or doctrine we've heard is true. It is often used to pinpoint the errors of the cults and the so-called pseudo-Christian religions.

The truth is that it is often necessary to take a verse out of its context to convey its most basic meaning. To include the verse preceding or following some verses would tend to cloud their truest meaning in literally hundreds of instances. The scriptures for the most part are not written in a narrative form. This is especially true of the New Testament epistles. A few examples are as follows... In Proverbs 11: 28-30 are three verses that are totally unrelated. If we were to be emphasizing the necessity of keeping peace in the home verse twenty-nine would be a good verse to use.

He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart. (Proverbs 11:29)

Verses twenty-eight and thirty have absolutely nothing to do with keeping peace in the home. We are forced to extricate or disengage the verse from its context to gain the fullest use of it. We can carry our example still a step further to illustrate the weakness of the clich. The first sentence of verse twenty-nine is separated from the second by a colon. The second sentence is in no way thematically connected to the first. In order to get the greatest impact from this verse if we were stressing the idea of peace in the home it would be necessary not only to remove the verse from the context of the passage but we would be forced to split up the verse and leave part of it out altogether. Hundreds of Bible verses are found in similar complexity

Subject matter changes so frequently in the New Testament that it becomes necessary to remove a whole passage from its context to gain the full meaning of it. The weakness of this clich is perhaps best seen in the sayings of the Lord himself. He was notorious for dangling quoted verses in mid air without supportive contextual inclusions.

Many times Jesus would say, "It is written" or "Have ye never read" and quote a single verse taken right out of its context. He made no apologies for not including the preceding or following verses and the effect of his single verse sayings often stopped the mouths of his enemies or illustrated a great principle to his followers. Sometimes the verses he quoted were taken from texts that originally had nothing to do with the subject he was dealing with. Such is the case where Jesus was criticized by the Pharisees for accepting the praise of the little children in the temple...

And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the son of David; they were sore displeased... (Matthew 21:15)

Jesus answered with a single verse taken from Psalm 8:2 that in its original context had nothing to do with establishing the inspiration or accuracy of a child's spontaneous praises. Psalm eight is a song of recognition of God's glory because of His wonderful creation and a query of the invested powers given to man by God. Yet out of this seemingly unrelated passage Jesus extracted and wielded a single verse to the shame of his enemies, the Pharisees.

...And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? (Matthew 21:16)

If he had included the preceding and following verses of the passage it would have made absolutely no sense. Jesus in fact quoted verses taken out of context over twenty times as recorded in the four gospels. While some are repeated in the parallel gospels this only serves to verify that he did make a general practice of it. Even more amazing is the fact that unlike the apostles, Jesus never quoted more than one verse of scripture at a time. The apostles quoted two or three but never more than four at a time.

The apostles and the writers of the New Testament epistles far exceed the Lord's proclivity for taking verses out of context. Over ninety times from the book of Acts to Revelation verses are pulled out of context and used as proof texts. Less than ten times do they include more than one verse of scripture. The closest some of them come to even identifying their source is with such phrases as "David saith" or "Isaiah saith it" The rest of the quotes begin with such phrases as "he saith also in another place," "Wherefore he saith," "What saith the scriptures," "Wherefore as the Holy Ghost saith," "The prophets saith," "wot ye not what the scripture saith," "The scripture saith" and "What saith it." Thirty-eight times the above sayings were used to quote a verse out of context. Only a well studied student with an excellent memory could even hope to guess at where such scriptures might be located. Keep in mind also that they were quoted over thirteen centuries before the printing press was invented. The hearers had to depend largely on the integrity of the speaker or writers for the accuracy of the quote. They couldn't whiz through the pages of their Bibles and read verses preceding or following the quoted verse. If taking a verse out of context is the crime we hold it to be then not naming the source of our quotation must be a cardinal crime and all the writers and figures of the New Testament were guilty of it.

The term used most profusely in the New Testament in connection with a verse taken out of context is "It is written." Every verse Jesus quoted was preceded by it and the apostles used it over fifty times themselves. It is the equivalent of a more modern saying that we are all familiar with, "The bible says." We have all heard preachers who warn that a verse should never be taken out of context and then we hear them say, "The Bible says," literally thousands of times in their teachings This is one inconsistency we should be thankful for because without it teaching would often be incomprehensible and quite dull.

It has become an accepted fact among believers that the enemies or false teachers are the ones who make the habit of taking verses out of context. But by contrast we can see that it is in fact the believer or the Lord himself who have exercised this practice most often A few times the Pharisees said, "Why did Moses write..." or a similar expression and it is recorded twice that the devil said, "It is written." Beyond doubt we can see that the opposing forces of the kingdom rarely practice this most dreaded habit. The reason for this is plain. Paul once said that some men were preaching the Gospel out of envy hoping to add further affliction to him by stirring up the anti-Christian forces. He concluded that it didn't matter why they were doing it. The effect was the same. Souls were saved. (Phil. 1:15-19) Satan doesn't like to quote any scripture even if it is out of context.

For this very reason, in many of the cults the scripture quotes are reduced and often not quoted at all. Another authority or special spiritual experiences often replace them. In reality false teachers do no more than the true teachers when they take a verse out of context. The difference is in the intention. Where there is an evil intention even verses quoted in context can be twisted and misused. We should be far more involved in discerning the spirit in which we are taught rather than the letter. If our teachers have a history of giving sound teaching, and have recognized and certified ministries shouldn't we allow them reasonable latitudes? We should give them the freedom to extract verses for our learning even if they must occasionally resort to the dastardly Practice of "taking a verse out of context."

Rev Bresciani has written many articles over the past thirty years in such periodicals as Guideposts and Catholic Digest. He is the author of two books available on, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and many other places. Rev Bresciani wrote Hook Line and Sinker or what has Your Church Been Teaching You, publisher, PublishAmerica of Baltimore MD. He also wrote a book published by Xulon Press entitled An American Prophet and His Message, Questions and Answers on the Second Coming of Christ. His book is now being heralded as the clearest book on the subject of the second coming of Christ since Hal Lindsey's "Late Great Planet Earth" Rev Brescianis website is,

Impact Of Christian Mentors

An Unpopular Promise Regarding Persecution; Notice the Complete, Unavoidable Feature of this Promise

Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. (2 Timothy 3:12)

We are in the category of "unpopular" promises. This promise guarantees persecution for the people who are serious believers in Jesus Christ. In a church world where many of the treasure comfort and the status of ones self are more important, this promise is not at all well-received.

This promise is given to those who want to live a life of godliness: "who desire to live godly." Godliness is the will of the Lord for His people. Read that again; Godliness is the will of the Lord!

"But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all evils; it is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced their hearts with many pangs. But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness" (1Timothy 6:9-11).

Our Lord Himself stated that there is great blessing in having a passion for righteous living. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness" (Matthew 5:6). The blessing is God's pledge to satisfy the heart that desires for righteousness. "For they shall be filled" (Matthew 5:6).

Yet, we have seen that fullness of righteousness is not all that is promised to those people who want to walk in godliness. Persecution is also promised. "Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution." Notice the complete, unavoidable feature of this promise. "All who desire to live godly . . . will suffer persecution." There are no exceptions - again I say - there are no exemptions.

All who sincerely desire to follow the Lord Jesus Christ will experience the consequences that He met, as He walked in righteousness. "Remember the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you" (John 15:20). Jesus was not very will like by everyone for the way He lived on the righteous path. He was opposed, mocked, conspired against, and betrayed. We dont need be troubled when events of similar harassment happen to us.

Of course, this promise of persecution is not given to discourage us from pressing on down this path of godliness. Rather, it is presented to prepare us for the difficulties that are guaranteed as we seek to grow in Christ likeness. In fact the Lord even adds gracious encouragements to be righteous, so we will be strengthened to practice His holy will in this matter. "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:10). Persecutions can remind us that we are not from this world; we are headed home to heaven. Persecutions can bring us heavenly actions of supporting grace along the way.


O righteous Lord, I long to walk in Your paths of righteousness. Strengthen my heart with Your grace that I might press on in godliness. Help me to never shrink back, even though persecutions are guaranteed. Help me to stand true, even though persecutions may become severe. Lord, I count on Your promises to see me through the battles, in Jesus name, Amen.

The possibilities of prayer are gauged by faith in Gods ability to do. Faith is the one prime condition by which God works. Faith is the one prime condition by which man prays. Faith draws on God to its full extent. Faith gives character to prayer. A feeble faith has always brought forth feeble praying. Vigorous faith creates vigorous praying. Christ asks this pointed question, When the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth? For more info on prayer and faith please go to my blog at and leave a comment. For prayer or any questions you may have, leave the request in the comment section. Also sign-up and get your FREE eBook and Prayer Training Report. I have written a book called The Science of Prayer and it is ready at, Keep praying to the Great I AM.

Using Words In The Bible Effecti

The Source of Every Good and Precious Gift

"They will gnaw their tongues in anguish but they will not repent."

This quotation from the Book of Revelation describes very accurately what is happening in our society today. The notion that this was once a Christian nation is misguided.

Even so, we once acknowledged the existence of God and respected His moral laws. We did not always keep them but we knew we were wrong when we did not. In Natural Theology that is the glue that binds together a society. Now it is coming apart. Secular atheism has convinced the people as a whole that if there is a God (and most likely there is not), He is wholly other and we do not need to be concerned.

The anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-morality trends have become so pronounced and oppressive that we are now under divine judgment. Fifty years ago we did not believe what is happening to us now could take place. But it is and it is only going to get worse because while many people know that something is very wrong, no one will acknowledge what it is.

We are close to an unprecedented outbreak of natural disasters, plagues of new diseases that we have no medicines to deal with, and moral and economic collapse. Soon our military will be second rate (or worse) and who knows what will happen then.

Repentance is the only solution but no one is talking about that and no one is interested. Thus the God we profess not to believe in has decided it is time for this civilization to go the way of history-and it will.

Dr. D. Earl Cripe

Changing Your Thinking

Islam - Basic Beliefs and Concepts

Islam is the most growing religion on earth, there are more than 2 Billion humans all over the world called Muslims. Islam is based on the Submission of human will to One God who is called in Arabic "Allah" The only One, The Superior and The Only Creator Of This Universe with no partners and all the existence under his own Control.

Islam was the religion given to Adam The first Man on Earth who was created by God, not as fallen being. All The Prophets & Messengers of God "Allah" to humankind on Earth were Muslims including Adam, Abraham, Moses, Aaron, Jacob, Jesus and Mohammad. They have the same basic Message to Mankind: "La Ilaha Illa Allah" which means no God worth of worshiping Except Allah and anything else is his servant and creation.

Although those prophets came with different books, practices and methods of worshiping, Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him and all other prophets) was the last Messenger of Allah On earth Before the Day of Judgment.

The Basic Message of Islam is the absolute Unity of Allah 'God' and he is not independent on anything or anyone else or even alike, he is not three on one nor father and son, Muslims beliefs on Jesus as Allah's Prophet and Messenger and his servant just like all other prophets Including Mohammad and Moses.

Islam believes that God and his creations are completely different entities. Allah is not his creation nor he is a part of it. Islam believes that his essence and his great knowledge are everywhere on his creation.

Islam calls the human away from the worshiping of the creation of Allah and invites him to the worshiping of the creator -- Allah himself, because the greatest sin of humanity is the worshiping of the creation.

Among the basics of Islamic Religion, the most important part is the belief in one God 'Allah' and He is the only Creator, Ruler, Lord, Administrator and Master of all that exists, And this Universe exists and functions because the will of Allah alone.

Allah responds to man's prayer and He is the only one who has the power to accept or reject it. He is the Master of man's destiny, no one ever else can interfere with the fate of others or even with his own fate!

All the humans hopes and fears should be only directed to Allah. He is the object of fear & source of favor.

That's the bedrock and most fundamental aspect of Islam religion, May Allah guide all of us to the truth and thank you for your time.

For more information about Islam, Please visit our website Islam Voice at the following link: Islam Voice - The Road to Allah
Islam Voice is a website Dedicated To the Message of Islam Religion, Islam Pillars, Islam Miracles and it's Basic Beliefs and Concepts for Non Muslims.
This article is Free for Reprint & Distribution without the permission of the author as long as this text box is left intact, The author name and all links must remain Clickable and the article is Un-Edited.

What Is Intuition

It's Not Cool to Worry

In our world today their is allot to be concerned about. Things like terrorism, crime, racism; or how about taxes, inflation and job loss. Truly we have allot we could be worried about. But I've found out that in order to function in life and overcome the obstacles we face, we need to give our cares,worries and frustrations to someone else. Someone stronger than us. We tend to lean and depend on our spouses or family and friends and that's awesome, but this support system can only take us so far and that's it. I've found on my journey that I really need a relationship with someone who's able to handle my worries and concerns that I face in my daily life. And that person is Jesus Christ.

I've found that through my relationship with Jesus I've been able to overcome some problems that would have taken me out of here if I had not have known Him. The bible says in 1st Peter 5:7 that we should cast all of our cares upon God because He cares for us and that includes worrying. When you worry you sin, and when you sin you miss the mark of God. Worrying about things can have a adverse affect on our body and it's ability to function properly. When improper stress enters the body it breaks down the body's immune system and causes us to become sick. Free radical cells come in when the body's immune system is weak, and worrying and stress help weaken your body's defense system.

To combat this we need to change a few things in our lives. First, we need to change our outlook on life. Start seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty. You can always find something positive in a negative situation. Second, fill your mind with good positive and wholesome materials such as: the bible, positive inspirational music, uplifting reading materials like books and magazines and most importantly prayer. Tell God your problems. He will listen and no one else will know about it, and because you pray you will find yourself at ease with what you thought was a problem.

So don't allow life to get you so uptight. Just do the best you can with what you have and give the rest to God through Jesus Christ. And you will find that life isn't that bad when the right person has your back. You think about that, God bless.

Quit Waiting For Help

The Existence of God without Evidence

Here's a pretty good interview about someone explaining the existence of God.


Peaceful Warrior God

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a christian video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Norman Vincent Peal
W Clement Stone

Who Follows in His Train?

Everyone wants to be an apostle. But no one that I know wants to live the life of an apostle or speak the exact words that the apostles spoke. "Apostle" today is equivalent to "master", whereas the true apostles considered themselves servants. And like servants, they were beaten. They were poor. They were rejected, hated. They were lied about and cursed and left for dead. And because they spoke and wrote only what God breathed into their tormented souls, they were unaccepted by many.

Acts 14:19,20 tells of an incident in apostle Paul's life. The Jews try to kill him. They stone him, drag him outside the city, and leave him to rot.

Many today do not like Paul's words. Unfortunately not all of Paul's enemies are outside the church. He is hated, maligned, ignored. His words are dragged out of context, out of the Bible, out of the church, and left for dead. His clear teachings about the place of women, the qualifications for leadership, the rise of antichrist before Jesus appears in the sky are all amazingly warped and abused by modern-day persecutors of the Word.

In the category of "misunderstood" one could place Romans 8:38, or a piece of it that goes right over most heads. "I am persuaded that neither [note his first word here:] LIFE, nor death... can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus." If Christ is in the heart, nothing can separate us. But if not, even "life" can do the trick. How could life separate one from the love of God? Isn't life itself from God? Though God gave life, Satan with man's help corrupted it. Human life without God does indeed separate us from Christ. Life with all its fun and beauty and troubles and sorrow is enough to distract us from eternity. Paul knew that.

Here's another "Paul-ism" that doesn't fit today's theologies. Romans 9:2 has Paul confessing that he has "great sorrow and continual grief" in his heart for his Jewish brothers and sisters, lost for all eternity if they will not come to Christ. Isn't this the Paul who said to "Rejoice in the Lord always..."? That verse is quoted often. But the sorrowing Paul, like the sorrowing Jesus, does not get a hero's welcome in the church's Main Street. Godly men weep alone, and lose the fellowship of the crowds, yet gain Heaven's company. Paul walked that life.

Paul, the giver of so many mysteries to the church, is himself a mystery. But with Paul we reach the end of our excuses. Jesus, we say, was God. We could never be like Him. Yet He calls us to do just that. Paul was not God. He is you and me. A great sinner. A self-willed religionist. A man who served his own interests. Then, he was mighty Saul, king-like in name and actions. He alone would bring revival to Israel.

Can't you see yourself in some part of Paul's old life? Selfish? Proud? Lost? Then why can't you do what he did by the same grace that was made available to him? By God's grace we can be as effective, as sold out, as anyone in the Kingdom. But the warning is real. Live like Paul, and be prepared to suffer like him too, to be rejected and despised as was His Master and ours.

Look for Bob Faulkner's home page on There you will find a combination of love for the Scriptures and a desire for North Korean believers to have their needs met. There are nearly 300 blogs, ovber 200 Bible teaching MP3's, lists of resources, NK picture albums, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Would love to fellowship with believers who respond.

Changing Someones Bad Attitude

Obeying God and Hearing His Voice

A friend of mine told me he once asked a godly lady how she became so powerful with God. She replied, "Have you ever been in a restaurant or some other public place and felt God leading you to go talk to some stranger there?" He said yes. She asked, "Did you do it?"

He was silent as he thought of opportunities missed. She said, "Well, there you have it."

The life of a disciple is lived with regular knots in the pit of your stomach. Perhaps there are some great disciples out there who are never in fear that what they think is the voice of God inside is really just some inner impulse that will lead them to great embarrassment. I don't know any disciples like that, though. The great disciples I know set the fear aside, live with the knot in the pit of their stomach, and risk embarrassment.

These disciples talk to people, including strangers, that they feel led to talk to. They say that strange thing that they feel God leading them to say. They do that unusual thing that they feel God leading them to do.

I remember one night in Germany feeling led to talk to a man I was walking past on the sidewalk. I didn't know what to say, but I remembered years earlier that an evangelist (Danny Duvall) had said thatstraightforward is best. Just tell them that you want to talk to them about Jesus.

So I stopped this man with the question, in German, "Do you know Jesus?" His answer was amazing. "How could I possibly know Jesus? He's been dead for two thousand years."

I had one of the most interesting talks I've ever had with that man. I don't know what impact it had on him, but it led to one of the more interesting nights of my life. He invited me to talk to him more at the bar he was walking to. I went home to tell my wife I was taking him up on the invitation, and then I went to the bar.

When I got there, the German man wasn't there, but an old friend from the military was. I got to spend an hour talking to him about life and about the Lord. After that hour, another man came in talking about God. Yes, talking about God in a bar. He was very strange, and he had strange ideas about God. I talked to him until he let down and began talking a lot more reasonably, and he began admitting he knew he needed to give his life to God. It was a very, very unusual conversation.

Amazingly enough, it didn't end there. The owner of the local "house of ill repute" (that was legal in Germany then, and it may still be) came in. The bartender refused to serve him and said he always came in to start fights with Americans. I asked him in German why he hated Americans, and he was surprised I spoke German. He said he was still mad about world war II, even though he had to have been a child during the war. I was able to preach the Gospel even to him, though he was very resistant to it.

Afterwards, I drove the strange man that had talked about God to his room on base. The military had sent him over for just one week, and so I never saw him again, but I know our conversation made an impact on his life. He had been drinking a bit in the bar, even though I hadn't been, and he really opened up on the way to his room.

I've missed my share of opportunities by not listening to that quiet inner voice, but I didn't miss that one. It's been more than twenty years since that happened, but the stories from that night still inspire me and others not to let God's whisperings go by unheeded.

Make your own memories. You can't be a disciple without regularly feeling the gnawing fear that comes when God asks you to do something outside your comfort zone. The choice between obeying your fear and obeying God can be the one difference between being a great man or woman of Godand being just another person who left no impact on this world.

The Rest of the Old, Old Story: honest and historic Christianity. Is your faith working? Is it transforming you and those around you? Get in the mainstream of God's power by walking in the footsteps of the most powerful churches in history

Also see Paul Pavao's blog on Radical Christianity

Visualization And Affirmations