Sunday, May 31, 2009

Which Bible College Should I Attend?

Which Bible College should I go to? With so many great Christian Colleges available around the world it can get a bit overwhelming trying to find the one that is best for you.

I remember when I first felt called to go to bible college. I knew that I was called to go, but wasn't sure where. I was willing to go anywhere in the world but didn't know where to start.

It was a big step, which included giving up a well paid job, but I knew it was the right thing for me to do. Here's some quick thoughts on what I learned where important things for me to consider before choosing the right place to attend to help you in your ministry training needs;

1) Does the Christian College line up with what you feel God is calling you to do? For example there's no point going to a Christian College that specializes in worship leading if you feel called to community work

2) Does the Christian College carry similar values to you?

3) Have you done some background research on the Christian College to make sure its got a good track record? A simple Google search will help in this process.

4) Do you have peace about the Christian College you are looking at attending? Phil 4:6-7 talks about a peace that comes upon you that goes past your understanding. The peace that you feel on the inside. If you can learn to live according to this God given inner peace, then you will know that its a God thing!

Once you have followed these steps, you should get a better idea of whether the Christian College you are looking at is right for you. I know my time at Bible College was life changing. I hope yours is too!

Benjamin James is founder of Bible College and Christian Universities . His passion is to build the body of Christ by helping people become trained and equipped for ministry through bible based training facilities.

Meditating On Religious Scriptur

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