Saturday, June 6, 2009

Just Blame GOD

I recently read an email written by Tyler Perry, the writer (plays, movies and songs), actor, producer and director of many spiritually inspired works. The email turned my eyes into Niagara Falls. I couldn't stop crying!

Tyler Perry wrote about how his father would get drunk on the weekends and severely beat his mother while he watched helplessly as a young boy. He described how he would sit in the corner covering his ears wanting the madness to stop. He said that when the beatings ended, most of the time he would lay next to his mother to try to comfort her, and they would both cry themselves to sleep.

This is not what turned on the "Falls," however.

What opened the levies for the river of tears to start flowing incessantly was when he talked about his Sundays after the severe Friday and Saturday beatings.

Tyler was asked the question, "Where do your Christian messages come from in your work?"

He answered: "Early Sunday morning, she (his mother) would wake me up and take me to church. Most of the time it would just be the two of us. We'd get there and my uncle, Rev. D. J. Campbell, would be up preaching. I would look over the pews and see my mother smiling. Then she would sing in the choir and she would be happy. When she smiled, I smiled wider. When she laughed, I laughed harder. When she sang, I sang louder. I wanted to know the God that made my mother smile."

This is such a HUGE message!

Most people would have blamed GOD for the beatings! They would have gotten angry with GOD for allowing the situation to happen. Instead, Tyler focused on the fact that even after severe beatings, his mother could find a place where her heart could smile and she could feel hopeful and safe.

Mr. Perry was able to focus on the fact that his mother had survived the severe beatings and so did her faith, love and joy. No matter how severely she was beaten, her husband could not steal it from her.

Here is the lesson: Whatever happens in your life, look for the positives in the situation. Don't just blame GOD for hard times and obstacles you may encounter. Don't just blame GOD and wallow in your misery.

STOP! Look for the Positives! No matter how grave your circumstance may appear to be, there is always something positive that can be found. Find it, focus on it and feed your mind and heart with it.

Tyler's multimillion-dollar success came because of his ability to find ways to focus on the positives. He was able to ascend from poverty to privileged because of his positive outlook on life.

If you are suffering and living in misery, it is time to let go of the "Just Blame GOD" attitude and develop the "Thank GOD!" attitude.

You have the choice to create your life however you want it to be!

To create a positive life, what goes inside you must be positive to have what comes from you positive!

Choose to energize your mind, body and soul with the positives!

YOUR LIFE really can be as beautiful as YOU create it to be! Self Empowerment is the Key!

Karen E. Smith is the author of Energy Diet, a self empowerment eBook. She is also a book reviewer for, a book review web site featuring reviews of empowerment books that motivate, inspire and educate.

Please visit The Energy Diet Book Web site to learn how you can empower your life: AND Please visit The Animated Book Reviews web site for some empowering books:

Jack Felton

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