Sunday, June 7, 2009

Receiving Your Just Reward As a Christian

Most Christians believe that their life is about glorifying God. Living a life on Earth as a representative of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. These people read the Bible often receiving what they perceive and believe as visions or understandings of the Scripture. If you ask a Christian, "What is your ultimate goal in Christianity?" You'll probably get a response like," To be a good Christian," or maybe "Seeking the glory of the kingdom" are how about "To actually perform a task like helping others, starting a church, missionary work or something along the lines of Mother Teresa.

I was listening to a sermon the other day when the pastor said, "That he would not do this if it wasn't true if I couldn't expect the resurrection from the dead, where everything would be paid back to me a thousand fold for everything that I have laid down for the service of Jesus. I wouldn't go this way."

Do you think this person is looking to receive their just reward as a Christian, living a life of a pastor at a mega-church and converting thousands to Christianity should give him plenty of rewards in the promised land. Now the problem I have is, when he mentions that he would not do this if it wasn't true. How does he actually know that it is true? Just stop and think about this statement for a second.

Some people respond when asked this question with total confidence. They might even respond with a look on their face like, "Helloooooooooooo!" You've got to be kidding me, Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior, he was God's son put on earth to fulfill prophecy or any other answer that sounds good but provides very little factual support to this religion. In other words, it might not be true, what if it isn't true and you've been caught up in a false prophecy.

How many Christians are living a life, seeking their just reward? These people are living a life of denial, wanting to do other things but can not because of their religious beliefs. If they were to try something new or different, this could somehow penalized them and eliminate their final payment or reward, for providing years of service to the faith of Christianity.

Christianity controls its faith like most religions, through fear, suffering, love and of course guilt. Without guilt, modern religions would have problems functioning. How many people give money or time to their religions based on fear instead of love? If you search your soul to justify your actions or beliefs, how many of them are based on guilt, fear or suffering, instead of love.

Life Changing Books

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Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Fighting In Gods Name

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