Sunday, June 28, 2009

Youth Ministry Myths

1. All Play and No Work. Whoever believes this one has never hosted a Junior High Lock-In. As in any ministry, working with youth has many unaccounted hours that the members never see. They see the cookout, but miss the 1 a.m. call from the police station. They see the beach retreat, but miss the flat tire along the way. They see the pizza party, but miss the 10 hour drive back from the work camp.

Tip: Combat this myth by keeping the congregation more informed about mission trips and service projects and less informed on the fun activities (since thats all they think you do anyway).

2. Keeping the Church Informed Will Solve Any Misconceptions. Dont use this as an excuse to keep people in the dark, but there will be some who think the worst of you and your ministry no matter how hard you try to explain it. Some will think the lock-in is a sex-in. Some will think the contemporary praise is Satans tool.

Tip: Combat this myth by thoroughly explaining the purpose behind each event.

3. Working with Christians Is Easy. Christians can be some of the most unforgiving, harsh, and judgmental people you will ever encounter.

Tip: Combat this myth by being like Christ no matter how unChrist-like some of the people you work with may seem.

4. Staff Relations are Fantastic. Sometimes the staff will seem like a dream, and other times like a drip. Jealousy, gossip, clashing personalities, can quickly grip a staff. One co-worker may feel that another is trying to take over his position. Another may feel that she is being pushed out because of age.

Tip: Combat this myth by putting forth your best effort to make the staff fantastic. Never let it be said of you that you are the one being difficult.

5. If You are Open and Honest with Teens, They Will Be Open and Honest with You. You can be as open as an entrance with no door and some kids wont tell you a thing. Instead, they may go behind your back and make fun of your openness.

Tip: Combat this myth by continuing to be open because of the impact it will have on the teen who will choose to open up. Never let the negatives of the few over come the blessing of the many.

Protect your youth ministry from these myths and create a stronger base for your support and longevity.

Al Millergren is the co-founder of Teen Life Ministries a youth ministry resource site. Teen Life's free weekly tips reach over 35,000 youth workers. Sign up at or visit the youth ministry blog.

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